Telegraph Magazine

Sex and the City’s Kristin Davis on fillers: ‘I have been ridiculed relentlessly’. Ahead of a new series of And Just Like That, the actress discusses her real-life rapport with co-stars and the Kim Cattrall fallout.

Kristin Davis is sitting on the sunny patio of a Los Angeles ice cream parlour and every so often, as we talk, she puts a hand up to shield the side of her face. At first I don’t understand what she is doing, then I realise that she can sense anyone who tries to snap a photograph of her. ‘Someone was taking a picture of me out of their car,’ she explains. ‘And look,’ she says, pointing upwards, ‘there’s a drone.’

Not, she adds hastily, that it is stalking her. ‘They don’t care about me, thank God.’ We are in the celebrity hotspot of Brentwood Country Mart (LA’s hilarious take on a rural market, with high-end shops such as Goop), which attracts the likes of Ben Affleck and Reese Witherspoon. The paparazzi are always hovering, waiting to catch somebody. ‘If you park in the parking lot, you’re trapped,’ says Davis. ‘So I parked on the street.’

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Kristin covers Telegraph Magazine for the June edition.